Unikon Spółka Jawna
Business type: |
Trading Company |
Business type: |
Importer, Local market |
Number of employees: |
5 - 10 |
Annual sales value: |
Euro < 500.000 |
Established year: |
1996 |
Categories: |
Packaging Machines & Tools |
Contact: |
Firm Rank: 0
UNIKON was established in 1996 and since then we work in packaging sector.
Our key activity are packaging machines such as strapping, wrapping and shrinking machines.
Among others we deal with strapping machines (PP and PET strap), wrapping machines (paletizing with a stretch film) and shrinking tunnels (PE film and therm shrinking film).
Besides machines we supply our customers with goods used up during packaging. Among others we sell: polypropylene and polyester strap, stretch and prestretched film for hand and machine use, shrink film, bubble film, PE foam, corrugated paper. We also deal with hand strapping tools and accessories.
Address data
Street: | Al. Piłsudskiego 135 |
City: | Łódź |
Postal code: | 92-318 |
Region: | Lodz |
Country: | Poland |
Phone: | +48 42 6760642 |
Fax: | +48 42 6760645 |
Contact person |
Name and Surname: | Maciej Latecki |
Phone: | +48 42 6760642 |
Mobile: | +48 605989928 |